
Understanding Sleep Science

What happens when you are about to sleep and in the middle of sleep? It’s something more and more people are paying attention to, thankfully, and we know more about sleep science than ever. Finding out how to best get to restorative sleep and ways to spend more time there are keys to unlocking higher energy levels, increased performance, and overall balance.

We’ve probably all heard some variation of a statement emphasizing how much we sleep. To be sure, we spend a good chunk of our lives in bed and fast asleep, so it’s important to make sure we’re getting the right kind of sleep to experience maximum benefits.

Your brain doesn’t simply shut off when you fall asleep. It keeps working, though differently and in a way designed to restore mental and physical resources you expend during the day while you’re exercising, at work, or pursuing hobbies.

If you want to get the most out of life, then sleep needs to be a priority. The more you invest in getting better sleep and more of it, the better you’ll feel now and down the road as you age. Here’s what you need to know about what your brain does while you sleep and how you can get better sleep.

Different Types of Sleep

Not all sleep is the same. If you get a few hours of sleep on a train, it’s different than if you’re relaxed in your own bed. Your body cycles through two different types of sleep when you’re dreaming. There is REM sleep and non-REM sleep. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement.

When you first fall asleep, you’re probably in the non-REM phase of sleep. In this first cycle, a person typically goes through four stages of sleep. There is the time when you first fall asleep, then light sleep when your body slowly starts to drop its heart rate and slow your breathing. Your body temperature also drops. In the third and fourth phases of sleeping, you enter deep sleep.

When you begin to go into REM sleep, your eyes start to move around even though your eyes are closed. Brain activity picks up and you begin to dream. The body moves in and out of these cycles for as long as you sleep. A normal night of sleep will see a person go through four or so cycles like this.

The Importance of Sleep

According to research, the brain must go through these cycles of sleep to fully restore and rebuild for the next day. People often feel slow or tired after sleep because they didn’t cycle as much or as fully as they needed to.

Finding ways to get to sleep faster and stay there are vital to good sleep. There are a ton of different products like devices that cool your body temperature, breathing aids, relaxants that help you calm down, etc., all designed to get you better sleep. Of course, the nighttime routine also matters a great deal. If you want better sleep, you should avoid stimulants, screentime, eye strain, stress, and other things that can get in the way of relaxing before bed.

How Sermorelin Impacts Sleep

Sermorelin is a popular peptide that, as evidence shows, helps regulate sleep. It does this by boosting, as seen in tests done on fish, that Sermorelin increases the production of growth hormone-releasing hormone, or GHRH. GHRH can boost orexin secretion and function. There is ongoing research into the benefits of using Sermorelin in treating sleep disorders.

Finding ways to enhance sleep quality will deliver benefits that will help you now and later in life. More sleep facilitates things like wound healing, increases cognitive performance, and balances mood. Don’t sacrifice sleep, but instead prioritize it to see better results in all aspects of your life.

The spot that works best for the insert is where it mentions:

  • Of course, the nighttime routine also matters a great deal. If you want better sleep, you should avoid stimulants, screentime, eye strain, stress, and other things that can get in the way of relaxing before bed.

Can you alter the snippet a little so it reads: 

  • Of course, the nighttime routine also matters a great deal. If you want better sleep, you should avoid stimulants, screentime, eye strain, stress, and invest in the best mattress for side sleepers, since it’s proven to be the healthiest of sleeping positions.

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